July 11

Day 98 Vesoul to Lure

Day 97 Vesoul
Day 99 Lure to Ronchamp

The stroll from Vesoul to Lure today has been truly fantastic. Nothing out of the ordinary happened but the weather was perfect, dry, cool,  a little sun, beautiful clouds and a continuous breeze. Insects seemed to find us completely uninteresting today so the subtle perfume of DEET was absent for the first time for quite a few days.

Think of your own perfect day in the hills and that was how it has been for us.

We were feeling in need of sustenance at the end of the stroll and tried to find somewhere to eat. We found a place, went in, were seated. A little later we were given a menu. Some time passed and we were asked if we might like an aperitif. Janet was becoming agitated as she needed meat, yet no one seemed in any hurry to satisfy this most natural of needs.  Finally, Janet grabbed the waiter’s attention and ordered. Supper was very tasty, expensive but not substantial. We will get used to this I know. Is there a Wetherspoon’s in Belfort?

We need to plan for tomorrow so that’s about it for today as technical problems seem to be winning today.


Day 97 Vesoul
Day 99 Lure to Ronchamp

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted July 11, 2012 by mike in category "Strolling in France


  1. By Dale Pitt on

    Mike, Have you been tempted to sing ‘the hills are alive’ yet? Where is a good chippy when you need one? Sound like you could both do with a big northern plate of steamed pudding, chips, mushy peas and gravy! Where to you plan to cross into Switzerland? Best regards, Dale

    1. By mike (Post author) on

      Hello Dale, it is the song and dance which seems to be part of the dining out in the evening process which I find tedious. We country types just want to be given the menu and then after about five minutes give an order. Then we wait a period of time depending on the items ordered and how long we know it takes to cook said items in an empty restaurant. A posh burger and chips should be about ten minutes I should think????? I was starting to wonder if the bloke had had to dig up the spuds from his garden first and only then find a suitable cow etc etc.

      I think that we will probably head for Basel at first and have a day or two to sort out maps and find a route through to Como. As we will not be doing this until next week it could all change of course. We were saying today how much fun it is not knowing where we will be or anything at all which will happen next.

  2. By Alison Garfield on

    The restaurant was slow as there was no one in, so no need to turn the table round, do you think? Or perhaps they thought you wanted a long romantic evening?
    What an adventure.
    Did Janet order a huge raw steak to satisfy her carnivorous craving?
    What ever you got hopefully it filled a hole.
    Keep blogging I’m addicted. XX

    1. By mike (Post author) on

      Hello Alison, it was a strange setup really. Other people wandered in after us and stood about looking lost as they waited for the waiter to put in an appearance.
      Janet managed to grab the waiter’s attention as he was strolling about in an unfocussed manner and said, quite firmly, that we were ready to order. The price of steak suggested that it had been hand crafted by the finest craftsman in France so we went for pork as it was much nearer in price to that of a small car. After an hour the food arrived, delicious true, but after a 40 Km walk it was a meagre portion indeed.

      I do like a romantic dinner very much. The best romantic dinners are eaten at home, you can fill in the details I am sure!


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